35 Healthy Uses Of Garlic

It helps to treat arthrosclerosis
It helps to lower the cholesterol levels
It helps to lower the blood pressure
It helps in treating gout
Helps in preventing and treating flu and respiratory tract infection
It prevents the growth as well as a spread of bacteria
It helps in the treatment of tuberculosis
It helps in the treatment of purulent wounds
It can help in the treatment of Trichomoniasis
It helps in the boosting of the metabolism
It helps to check the growth of colon cancer
It helps to treat gall bladder cancer
It prevents rectal cancer
It helps to prevent breast cancer
It helps to keep a tab on the prostate cancer
It helps to aid the digestion process
It helps to treat yeast infection
It helps in dissolving the blood clots
It increases the appetite of the person
It helps in killing the intestinal worms as well as parasites
It helps to treat the cataracts
It helps to treat arthritis
It helps to prevent diabetes
It helps to treat the staph infection
It helps to get rid of the tooth ache
It helps in treating acne
It helps to treat the warts
It helps to treat tetter.
It helps in the treatment of the boils on the skin
It tends to have a soothing effect on the intestines
It is used to treat asthma
It can easily treat chronic bronchitis
It can help in the treatment of whooping cough
It can also help with insomnia
It slows the aging process of the person
It slows down the growth of Candida Albicans
It helps to strengthen the immune system of the person.
So, take the cue and eat a clove of garlic every morning without fail!


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