If you want to quit smoking here are 6+ home remedies that you should try

You can quit smoking, though. It’s not easy, but many are quitting. With the help of friends and family to encourage you and the aid of some home remedies, you can find freedom from your cigarettes. Here are 6+ ways you can use to help kick your nicotine habit.
1. Find your motivation. If you’re going to stick with giving up this habit, WebMD shares that you have to figure out what is going to motivate you to stick with this decision. Sit down and consider why you want to give up smoking, what is the greatest benefit and write it down on something you can carry with you to remind yourself of why you’re doing it.
2. Set a quit date. Rather than just stopping immediately, the Reader’s Digest recommends picking a date to quit. Circle it on the calendar and make preparations for that date. As it nears, stop buying cigarettes by the carton, but purchase only a pack at a time. Don’t carry an entire pack, but only a few cigarettes. This way you have to choose when to give in to your craving. By the time your quit date arrives, you have already started weaning yourself. Part of the mental battle has been won.
3. Purge your home. Once the quit date arrives, WebMD says to purge your home of anything that reminds you of smoking. Get rid of all lighters, ashtrays and anything that could suggest smoking. The mental battle of smoking will last far longer than the physical cravings. Seeing reminders will just make you more likely to give in.
4. Visibly save. Everyone likes to be rewarded. The Reader’s Digestsuggests putting the money you’re literally saving by not smoking in a glass jar and keeping it where you can see it. Enjoy seeing the fruits of your labors. You may even want to set up a reward for yourself such as a special vacation or night out if you succeed in quitting.
5. Cayenne pepper. To help yourself in purging the nicotine and keeping the cravings under control, the India Times recommends using cayenne pepper. It’s supposed to keep your from wanting the nicotine. Add the pepper to your diet and a pinch of the spice to your water before you drink it.
6. Ginger. Vaping Daily says that as you go through withdrawals, you will get nauseous. Ginger has long been known to help calm the stomach. Drinking ginger tea or ginger ale can help keep your stomach happy while you try to give up your habit.
7. Avena sativa extract. According to Reader’s Digest, Avena sativa extract (oat seed extract) appears to significantly increase your chances of success. It recommends you take 1 mL of the extract four times daily.
You don’t have to continue to pour your money into cigarettes. You can find freedom. Find yourself someone to encourage you and start using these home remedies today.


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