Walking to Lose Weight: Basic 8-Week Walking Workout Plan

Body weight loss

You’ll find personalized advice and week-by-week walking routines designed by Judy Molnar, a certified trainer and coach for Iron Girl (an online fitness training program), and plenty of motivation that’ll help you meet your weight-loss goals. Now go ahead and get walking — a healthier you awaits!

Motivation for New and Experienced Walkers

You’ve taken the first step — you’ve committed yourself to walking regularly. Here’s how to stay motivated:
Find a buddy. When a friend is relying on you, you’re less likely to cancel, and you’ll look forward to the camaraderie.
Set mini goals. Sign up for a charity walk in your area or challenge yourself to walk an additional block each week.
Make an investment. If you spend some money, you’ll be more likely to walk. Purchase a pair of sneakers, or join a gym for the winter months and walk on the treadmill.
Create a rewards system. Hang a chart on your fridge and log your walks. After six jaunts, reward yourself: download a few walking tunes, get a manicure, or buy a new walking outfit.



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