Your little finger reveals what a person you are

5.Low Positioned

If your little finger is low positioned e.g. its root is set lower than the root of other fingers, then you are an ambitious person who tends to daydream a lot, which means you are more prone to words and daydreaming than to actions and realizing your dreams.

6.Square Shape

People with little finger whose first joint resembles a rectangle and its tip is flat have a boxy little finger. They are sincere, confident and good leaders. They are very honest, which is their strength, as well as their weakness and makes it hard for them to become friends with sensitive people.


People with a little finger whose tip is pointy are great orators and are exceptional in public performances. They are also very eloquent and often very good writers. They find it very easy to learn a foreign language and are great diplomats, so they possess the ability to resolve any situation easily.


People whose little finger is bent towards other fingers are a group of people with curved little finger. They are pacifists, hate conflicts, and avoid confrontation. These people are also said to be peacemakers and have the ability of combining separate worlds.


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