10 home remedies to reduce water retention


6) Take diuretics. Diuretics help to decrease fluids in the body through urination, and although you can take them in the form of medication you can just as easily find them in your food. Onions, beans, leafy greens, pineapple, parsley, and grapes are among these, according to Livestrong. Coffee is another quick way to increase your urination and decrease your fluid retention, although caffeine can cause other side effects, too.
7) Get your daily potassium.Potassium is another natural way to increase your urination and decrease fluid retention. All meats are a good source of potassium, as well as broccoli, peas and potatoes, and a number of fruits, milk, yoghurt and nuts.
8) Try dry brushing.Step to Health explains that you need a natural bristle brush to do this. Dry brushing is a method that aids in lymphatic drainage and the removal of liquids from the body. Use the brush all over your body for ten to twenty minutes. If you need to urinate shortly afterwards, you’ll know that it has worked! The other benefits include soft, glowing skin and better circulation.
9) Put down the refined carbs. Refined carbohydrates cause spikes in your blood sugar and insulin, which then causes your body to retain more sodium. We already know what happens with excess sodium: excess water retention. Refined carbs include processed sugars and grains.
10) Drink more water. It might feel counter-intuitive, but drinking water is essential if you are bloated. It helps us to flush excess liquids out of the body. However, Step to Health warns that we need to drink water on an empty stomach for it to have this effect. Therefore, get into the practice of drinking two glasses of water before breakfast, and then again just before bed – provided that you’ve finished dinner a couple of hours earlier.
Bloating and swelling can be uncomfortable and unsightly, but when it isn’t related to a health condition there are lifestyle and dietary changes you can make to reduce it. Be aware of how much sodium and refined carbs you are eating – levels are so high in processed and packaged foods that we’re often doubling our daily intake without even realising it. Drink water, and get plenty of exercise. If these home tips don’t seem to cause any change, speak to your doctor to make sure there isn’t an underlying health issue.