10 signs you are probably not drinking enough water

WEBMD explains that when you drink enough water, your urine should be light yellow or clear. If it’s darker than that, it could be a sign that you’re not getting enough water.
5. You’re constipated 
If you’re constipated or your stool is hard, WEBMD also explains this could be a sign you’re not getting enough water. If you drink water regularly you should have regular bowel movements and your stool should be soft.
6. You experience joint pain
LifeHack explains that your joints are made up of 80 percent water. So if you’re not getting enough water in your diet, chances are you could have sore joints.
7. You have hunger pains
Sometimes those hunger pains are actually a signal from your body to drink more. Livestrong explains this strange phenomenon by saying that your body receives mixed signals when it hasn’t gotten enough water, causing it, and you, to believe you need to eat when you really need to hydrate. So next time you get a hunger pain, drink a tall glass of water first and see how you feel.
8. You stay sick longer
If you start to realize when you get sick it lasts longer than usual, it might be because you’re not properly hydrated. All that water you drink helps flush out toxins and other bad things. That’s why the doctors tell you to get plenty of liquids when you’re sick. So, listen up and drink lots of water when you’re sick and as a preventative measure to stay healthy.
9. Dizziness
Dizziness can have many causes, but dehydration can be one of them. If you’ve gone past the point of thirsty and realize you feel dizzy, it could be because you just aren’t getting enough water. If after a workout or being in the sun you start to feel dizzy, try drinking water.
10. Fatigue
If you feel overall fatigue, it could be the fact that your body just doesn’t have enough water to help keep it running. Drinking enough water can prevent feeling fatigue like this.
It’s also important to note that dehydration can cause some more serious symptoms, according to the Mayo Clinic. These include:
– Extreme thirst
– Less frequent urination
– Dark-colored urine
– Fatigue
– Dizziness
– Confusion
If you experience any of these, you might want to seek medical attention, as an infusion of liquids might be needed to get your body back on track.