2 sticks butter
2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
1 cups milk
3 cups all purpose flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp vanilla
3 mashed banannas
3cups brown sugar
1 cup water
Middle Cream Cheese Frosting
1 stick butter
3 1/2 cups confectionary sugar
1 8 oz pkg Cream Cheese, Softened
splash of vanilla
Bananas sliced – soaked in lemon juice and sugar
or Pineapple Rings soaked in the Syrup
Preheat over to 350 degrees.
In separate bowl add flour and baking powder salt Baking soda
Cream butter and sugar.
Add eggs and mix well.
Add milk and flour alternately
last, add vanilla and  smashed bananas.
Spray 2 9 inch Rounds with Bakers Joy, or use butter and flour
Add cake batter to pans evenly.. drop on counter to get air bubbles out
Sprinkle Brown sugar on top of batter
bake in oven 30 to 35 minutes or until done.
While cake is baking combine sugar and water in a medium saucepan.
Heat till syrupy …
add choice of fruit topping Pineapple or Banana slices.. if banana slices add a dash of  lemon to prevent bananas from browning.  Allow to cool.
Place one cake on cake plater
Whip Cream Cheese Icing together by putting butter and cream cheese (same temp) then adding confectionary sugar a little at a time with a tad bit of milk, and add vanilla. get to right consistency and Spread over top of the cooled layer cake
Place next layer of cake over top if cooled Completely
Arrange fruit of your choice (banana slices or Pineapple) on top of cake
pour syrup over banan’s and cake.
Keep in the refridgerator. As it will last longer and stay moist.


Creamy Tomato Penne with Shrimp

Chicken Spaghetti