Are You Drinking Enough Water? Here Are 11 Little Known Symptoms of Dehydration.

You have a headache.
Before you reach for the pain killers, reach for glass of water. Your brain needs water as much as your other organs – it sits in a protective fluid sack inside your skull, after all – and a lack of water means it’s lacking oxygen, blood flow, and protection from bumps. The result of all that deprivation? Pain. So if you get a headache, consider it a first warning from your brain, and drink a glass of water before you try other treatment.

You feel dizzy.
Those issues causing you head pain? They can also make you dizzy. When you’re dehydrated, blood and oxygen flow to your brain decrease, causing your vision to blur, the world to spin, and/or you to feel dizzy and/or lightheaded. Plus, dehydration can aggravate a tendency toward syncope, making the likelihood of fainting higher. If you feel a spell of dizziness coming on, get to safe place where you can sit or lie down without hurting yourself, preferably with a trusted friend or family member, and drink some water as soon as you can.

You’re tired— all the time.
Yes, your sleepiness could very well indicate that you need more sleep – very few of us actually get sufficient rest – but it could also mean you’re dehydrated. That decrease in blood and oxygen to the brain we keep mentioning? It not only makes you dizzy and causes headaches, it can make you feel tired and lethargic, too. If you notice your motivation for activity dropping, perk up by increasing your water consumption.



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