Can you use natural remedies to cure heartburn? It’s time to find out

4. Aloe vera juice. RefluxMD explores the idea of drinking aloe vera juice for heartburn. No research has been done to show whether aloe vera juice actually helps or not. All that is available is anecdotal evidence. A caution to keep in mind, though, is that aloe vera latex is dangerous and should not be consumed orally. Aloe vera gel is also one to be cautious with. Aloe vera juice is often used as a laxative, so caution is recommended if you’re trying this remedy. Also, it is known to have interactions with medication, so speak with your doctor before trying it.
5. Apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar appears to be the new cure-all in the home remedy world. Many are recommending using it to treat heartburn as well. If you think it seems a little counterproductive to treat heartburn with acid, you would be correct. Although WebMD gives a long list of apple cider vinegar’s health benefits, helping with heartburn is not among them. Caution is given regarding its high acid, though, and the damage it can do to teeth. It can also cause an upset stomach.
6. Gum. Strange, but true, chewing sugar-free, or any, gum does appear to help prevent heartburn. Why? The People’s Pharmacy shares the secret that chewing gum stimulates your mouth’s production of saliva. This saliva is then swallowed, forcing acid back down into your stomach. By popping a piece of gum into your mouth after a meal, you can reduce your heartburn and have fresh breath.
7. Baking soda. Using baking soda for heartburn has been around for a really long time. You can combine 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 8 ounces of water and drink the solution to help break up the extra stomach acid, according to WebMD. The great news is that this is a remedy that works. The bicarbonate of soda does actually lower your stomach acid. Be careful not to take it within two hours of other medication.
Sometimes the old-time remedies are the best. The next time heartburn strikes, reach for your baking soda or a piece of gum to help break up the acid.