Common causes and remedies for water retention

5. Parsley tea. Diuretics are important for flushing out excess water. But instead of coffee, which can further dehydrate, opt for homemade parsley tea. This delicious home remedy should be drunk three to four times daily and can be made by simply pouring boiling water over sprigs of fresh parsley. OL Women says parsley tea has the added benefit of removing toxins.
6. Cranberry juice. Like parsley tea, cranberry juice is a natural diuretic that helps flush excess water, says Times of India. Be careful to opt for 100 percent natural cranberry juice, and limit your intake or dilute with water, as cranberry juice can be high in sugar.
7. Garlic. Potent, taste-enhancing garlic is a miracle worker against water retention. It helps cleanse the body of toxins and relieves water retention. For best results, Times of India recommends eating a clove or two on an empty stomach in the morning. If the smell of raw garlic first thing in the morning is nauseating to you, try blending raw garlic in a healthy potassium-rich smoothie.
8. Walk, swim, cycle. Exercise is an absolute necessity for treating and preventing water retention, says OL Women. This is because sweat rids the body of not just excess water but also excess sodium and other toxins, while movement keeps fluids in motion. Make exercise part of your daily routine. Find an activity you enjoy, like gardening, dancing or playing a sport, and stick to it. Even just 30 minutes of walking after dinner can make a difference.