How To Get Rid of The Folds On Your Back And Sides in 21 Days

  1. Bent-Over Circular Row

This exercise strengthens the chest, biceps, chest, mid-back, and upper back.

Bend the knees a bit, and make sure your abs are also engaged for support. Then, bend forward to position the body parallel to the floor. The hands should be extended toward the floor.

Then, slowly circle your arms to the left, up and toward your chest, over to the right, and down. Repeat the same to the right, and do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  1. Push and Touch

This exercise will strengthen the upper back, shoulders, and chest.

The arms should be by the sides, and the palms should be facing forward. Then, elevate the arms up to shoulder length, with the palms to the ceiling, and hold thus.

Next, in one fluid motion, elevate the arms over the head with the palms facing behind you, and tap the ends of the weights together. Return the arms to shoulder levels, hold a bit, and return to the starting position.

For best effects, make sure you do not move any other part of the body. You should do 3 sets of 6-8 repetitions.

  1. Elbow Kiss

This exercise targets the chest and shoulders. You should start with the arms raised to the shoulder level, and the palms faced up. Then, bend the elbows to a 90-degree angle and pull the arms together in front of the chest until the elbows “kiss” and your forearms touch.

The shoulder should not be raised. Then, return to the initial position by reversing the steps. You should repeat this in 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  1. Crisscross Reverse Fly

This exercise strengthens the shoulders and the upper back.

Bend the knees a bit, and lean the body forward about 45-degrees. Then, cross the arms at the wrists in front of the knees, and slowly lift them to shoulder height. Return to the starting position, and repeat with opposite hands crossed. You should do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

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