Miss Susan’s Pineapple Sheet Cake

1. For high altitude baking help, go to highaltitudebaking.com.
2. I did mix all the ingredients together at once on medium speed for about 45 seconds. I used PAM on the dish.
3. Clear glass 9x 13 inch baking dishes, try lowering the heat to 325 and bake for 25 minutes- some have even reported up to 40 minutes in a clear glass dish- remember oven temps can greatly differ. Metal pans (which I used the first time) handled the 350 for 25 minutes- but I think clear glass is the best choice for this cake. Dark glass takes even longer than clear glass, so try 325 for a few minutes longer.
4. The texture of this cake has a coarse sticky sponge-like crumb. It is very rustic and may remind one of a less dense fruit cake. It is very different than any other cake texture I have tried. Even lovely without the icing and served warm with vanilla ice cream!
5. Please add the nuts if you can, I can’t- allergies. Also some said they added cinnamon or coconut too, give that a try, be creative. Some even made these into cupcakes!

Source :igredkitchen.com