Signs of restless leg syndrome

RLS can range from mild to totally intolerable, which negatively affects your quality of life. WebMD says that the symptoms also tend to worsen at night, disrupting sleep. The National Sleep Foundation says to identify restless legs syndrome, you should look out for these signs:
– A strong desire to move legs when you lie or sit down
– An urge to move your legs that feels impossible to resist, mostly when you’re sitting still
– A creepy-crawly, itching, pulling, feeling in your legs
– Symptom relief by moving your legs
– Waking yourself, or your partner, with your leg movements during sleep
– Involuntary leg movements while awake
– Tired and unable to concentrate during the day
– Symptoms worse at night
The National Sleep Foundation says that while RLS can’t be cured, it’s treatable. To manage symptoms, you should speak to a health care professional about your symptoms and any current medical conditions so the physician can help you manage your RLS. Some common treatments include:
– Making lifestyle changes, such as exercising and limiting caffeine and alcohol intake
– Checking for an iron deficiency
– Checking with your doctor to see if any of your medications could be causing your RLS
– Taking hot baths and getting leg massages
– Taking a prescription medication to help with severe pain and sleep