What is matcha and why it’s good for your health

4. Boost memory and concentration. Yet another fabulous effect of theanine is its role in producing dopamine and serotonin. According to Natural Living Ideas, both chemicals are linked to increased memory and concentration. They are also known to lead to improved mood.
5. Increased energy. Natural Living Ideas reports drinking matcha tea can provide energy for up to 6 hours. What’s better, is that matcha gives you the energy without the typical crash from coffee. According to The Wall Street Journal, matcha contains 120 milligrams of caffeine. As a comparison, coffee has 160 milligrams. The difference is negligible.
6. Improve cholesterol. People who regularly drink matcha tea have lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and higher HDL (good) cholesterol levels than those who do not drink matcha, says Natural Living Ideas. Furthermore, men who drink matcha are 11 per cent less likely to develop heart disease.
7. Detox the body. The chlorophyll that gives matcha its distinctive taste also imbues it with potent detox properties. Natural Living Ideas explains chlorophyll removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body.
8. Boost the immune system. Beyond the above mentioned components, matcha also contains potassium, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, and protein, according to Natural Living Ideas. These vitamins and minerals are good on their own, but when taken together, they are a powerful boost to the immune system.