5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Underarm Fat And Breast Side Fat

You may be amazed with your silhouette, but that back fat is definitely something you should work on. Underarm flab is some people’s worst nightmare. This can easily turn into a serious issue, as some people tend to lose their confidence.

I bet that there are many of you that have been in a situation where you have found the perfect piece of clothing that looks great on you but with one ‘small’ problem, there is fat on your back and the underarm. Back bulge around the bra area is not fun to deal with. With a little extra effort you can feel more confident in your own body.

We selected 4 exercises for your shoulders and upper back that will bring back your self-esteem and will make you feel sexy again, in only 3 weeks.

Well, guess what… We have 4 amazing exercises that will give you super-quick results, and help you get the body of your dreams. Let’s go through them:

  1. Bent-over circular row

This exercise targets your biceps, upper back, chest, and mid-back.

Keep your knees bent, and bend forward so that your body gets in a parallel line with the floor. Extend your hands to the floor, and make a circle. Go to the left, then to your chest, to the right, and go down at the end. Do this in the opposite directions. Your ultimate goal is 3 sets with 10-12 repetitions each.

  1. Push and Touch

This exercise targets your chest, upper back, and shoulders

Stand still, and face your hands forward. Keep your arms by the sides of your body. Raise them in the same line with your shoulders, and turn your hands towards the ceiling. You should feel a light burning sensation.




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