5 Exercises To Get Rid Of Underarm Fat And Breast Side Fat

Slowly bring your arms over the head, and keep your hands behind. Bring them back to your shoulders, make a tiny break, and bring your body in the initial position. Keep the rest of your body still while doing this exercise. Do 3 sets with 6-8 repetitions each.

  1. Elbow kiss

It targets your shoulders and chest.

Raise your arms to the same line with your shoulders. Bend your knees, and bring your arms towards your chest. Keep your shoulders still. Bring your arms in the initial positions. Do 3 sets with 10-12 repetitions each.

  1. Crisscross reverse fly

It targets your upper back and shoulders

Keep your knees slightly bent, and lean your body forward. Cross your arms at the wrists, right in front of your knees. Raise your arms to the same line as your shoulders, and bring them back to the initial position. Switch, and do 3 sets with 10-12 repetitions each.

Do this for 12 minutes, at least thrice a week for 3 weeks. You will be amazed with the way your body looks.

Now you know what could be causing your back and underarm fat, and how to quickly get rid of it through exercise! Let us know what you think of these exercises, and if they show any improvement in blasting your fat

Source: healthyfoodhouse.com


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